
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Women's Work-Life Balance
Walkathon - Women's day special @ NTT Data, Bangalore
We need you!!

We need you to listen. When we tell you about a problem, we don’t want you to jump to a solution for us. We just want to say it out loud to solve it ourselves knowing that you will support us.

We need you to talk. To raise the issue of gender. Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing. Saying the wrong thing is better than saying nothing at all. It’s the only way to start the conversation.

We need you to value our differences. Realise that we bring a different perspective and encourage us to bring our personalities to work, to not feel like we have to put on a ‘male suit.’

We need you to argueWe need you to push back against our ideas, to challenge us to do more than we think we can.

We need you to fight. We need to stand up for us, to be our allies, to be our comrades in arms. This isn't a fight between men and women; it’s a fight for equality, for what is right.  The rise of women does not equate to the demise of men.

We need you to believe in us. So we can work together as equal partners, shaping the future for the next generation.

Men, We need you.!! (voice of a woman)

You can get her love in the form of Sweet Sister, Lovely Friend, Beloved, Darling Wife, in the form of adorable Mother  & Grandmother. So, Respect HER. She gave you birth, she gives you love, she teaches you to smile to reach that extra mile, it’s the woman behind everyone..!

I call her Strong, Smart, Sensual, Caring, Giving, Surviving, Tolerant and powerful. 
I call her WOMAN! 

Just wanted to thank everyone from bottom of my heart for all things you do..!

Feel special, unique, on top of the world, it’s your day!! 
Happy Women’s Day!


  1. Not every men realise the value of women in their lives. Your mother should be proud to have a son like you. Great srini!*!

  2. Not every men realise the value of women in their lives. Your mother should be proud to have a son like you. Great srini!*!
